Special PAL Configurations

Again the basics are the same for any PAL but there are unique configurations in the field.  In these situations a close working relationship between the Product Managers and FSEs allows for proper maintenance to be performed on any PAL System.  Any special parts or consumables that need to be changed at time of a PM, a LEAP FSE can do so, so long as the additional parts are provided at time of maintenance.


 Call Our Dedicated PAL Support Center line at 1-877-532-7832


The know-how that has accumulated over the lifetime of the CTC PAL by the LEAP Service/Support Group and product managers can be deployed to any PAL user in the world -- It does not matter where the PAL is bought. For practical and economic reasons service charges will vary but will be always fair. Our goal is keeping all PALs productive for its owners. Free updates and upgrades for a charge are available through this site or can be requested by e-mail or phone call.

There is a wide variety of service/support products that you can choose from. If what you need does not exist we will create it. Our range of service products include :